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  1. Acoels are microscopic marine worms that have become the focus of renewed debate and research due to their placement at the base of the Bilateria by molecular phylogenies. To date, Isodiametra pulchra is the most...

    Authors: Johannes Georg Achatz and Pedro Martinez
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:27
  2. In the past decade neuroanatomy has proved to be a valuable source of character systems that provide insights into arthropod relationships. Since the most detailed description of dipluran brain anatomy dates b...

    Authors: Alexander Böhm, Nikolaus U Szucsich and Günther Pass
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:26
  3. Gene expression in eukaryotes is regulated by histone acetylation/deacetylation, an epigenetic process mediated by histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs) whose opposing activities a...

    Authors: Krishnendu Mukherjee, Rainer Fischer and Andreas Vilcinskas
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:25
  4. The phenomenon of sexual conflict has been well documented, and in populations with biased operational sex ratios the consequences for the rarer sex can be severe. Females are typically a limited resource and ...

    Authors: Kristine L Grayson, Stephen P De Lisle, Jerrah E Jackson, Samuel J Black and Erica J Crespi
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:24
  5. Two types of excretory systems, protonephridia and metanephridial systems are common among bilaterians. The homology of protonephridia of lophotrochozoan taxa has been widely accepted. In contrast, the homolog...

    Authors: Natalie Baeumler, Gerhard Haszprunar and Bernhard Ruthensteiner
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:23
  6. Some decades ago, biogeographers distinguished three major faunal types of high importance for Europe: (i) Mediterranean elements with exclusive glacial survival in the Mediterranean refugia, (ii) Siberian ele...

    Authors: Thomas Schmitt and Zoltán Varga
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:22
  7. Tonsils are secondary lymphoid organs located in the naso- and oropharynx of most mammalian species. Most tonsils are characterised by crypts surrounded by dense lymphoid tissue. However, tonsils without crypt...

    Authors: Martina R Crole and John T Soley
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:21
  8. Aposematism is a defense system against predators consisting of the toxicity warning using conspicuous coloration. If the toxin production and aposematic coloration is costly, only individuals in good physical...

    Authors: J Manuel Vidal-Cordero, Gregorio Moreno-Rueda, Antonio López-Orta, Carlos Marfil-Daza, José L Ros-Santaella and F Javier Ortiz-Sánchez
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:20
  9. Sexual selection is a major force driving evolution and is intertwined with ecological factors. Differential allocation of limited resources has a central role in the cost of reproduction. In this paper, I rev...

    Authors: Gerlind U C Lehmann
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:19
  10. The hide beetle Dermestes maculatus (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) feeds as an adult and larva on decomposing animal remains and can also be found on human corpses. Therefore, forensic entomological questions with reg...

    Authors: Christian von Hoermann, Joachim Ruther and Manfred Ayasse
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:18
  11. Gas exchangers fundamentally form by branching morphogenesis (BM), a mechanistically profoundly complex process which derives from coherent expression and regulation of multiple genes that direct cell-to-cell ...

    Authors: John N Maina
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:16
  12. Establishment of distinct follicle cell fates at the early stages of Drosophila oogenesis is crucial for achieving proper morphology of individual egg chambers. In Drosophila oogenesis, Notch-signaling controls p...

    Authors: Daniel Bäumer, Nadi M Ströhlein and Michael Schoppmeier
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:15
  13. The differential allocation hypothesis (DAH) predicts that individuals should adjust their parental investment to their current mate’s quality. Although in principle the DAH holds for both sexes, male adjustme...

    Authors: Katharina Mahr, Matteo Griggio, Michela Granatiero and Herbert Hoi
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:14
  14. Female sperm storage has evolved independently multiple times among vertebrates to control reproduction in response to the environment. In internally fertilising amphibians, female salamanders store sperm in c...

    Authors: Susanne Kuehnel and Alexander Kupfer
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:12
  15. The avian glottis channels air from the oropharynx to the trachea and is situated on an elevated structure, the laryngeal mound. It is imperative that the glottis be protected and closed during swallowing, whi...

    Authors: Martina R Crole and John T Soley
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:11
  16. The aim of this study was to evaluate the visual acuity of adult zebrafish by assessing the optokinetic reflex. Using a modified commercially available optomotor device (OptoMotry®), virtual three-dimensional ...

    Authors: Christoph Tappeiner, Simon Gerber, Volker Enzmann, Jasmin Balmer, Anna Jazwinska and Markus Tschopp
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:10
  17. A huge diversity of marine species reproduce by synchronously spawning their gametes into the water column. Although this species-specific event typically occurs in a particular season, the precise time and da...

    Authors: Patrick S York, Scott F Cummins, Sandie M Degnan, Ben J Woodcroft and Bernard M Degnan
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:9
  18. Many coral reef fishes undergo habitat and diet shifts during ontogeny. However, studies focusing on the physiological and morphological adaptations that may prepare them for these transitions are relatively s...

    Authors: Bruno Frédérich, Orphal Colleye, Gilles Lepoint and David Lecchini
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:8
  19. Male monogyny in the absence of paternal investment is arguably one of the most puzzling mating systems. Recent evidence suggests that males of monogynous species adjust their life-history and their mating dec...

    Authors: Klaas W Welke, Stefanie M Zimmer and Jutta M Schneider
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:7
  20. Honey bees, Apis mellifera, have a diverse community of pathogens. Previous research has mostly focused on bacterial brood diseases of high virulence, but milder diseases caused by fungal pathogens have recently ...

    Authors: Svjetlana Vojvodic, Jacobus J Boomsma, Jørgen Eilenberg and Annette B Jensen
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:5
  21. Osmotic stress transcriptional factor 1 (Ostf1) was firstly identified in tilapia in 2005. Then numerous studies have investigated its regulation and expression profile in fish gill tissues in related to osmor...

    Authors: William KF Tse, Sheung C Chow and Chris KC Wong
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2012 9:3
  22. Intermediate forms in the evolution of new adaptations such as transitions from water to land and the evolution of flight are often poorly understood. Similarly, the evolution of superfast sonic muscles in fis...

    Authors: Hin-Kiu Mok, Eric Parmentier, Kuo-Hsun Chiu, Kai-En Tsai, Pai-Ho Chiu and Michael L Fine
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:31
  23. While blood parasites are common in many birds in the wild, some groups seem to be much less affected. Seabirds, in particular, have often been reported free from blood parasites, even in the presence of poten...

    Authors: Petra Quillfeldt, Elena Arriero, Javier Martínez, Juan F Masello and Santiago Merino
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:26
  24. Taxonomy or biological systematics is the basic scientific discipline of biology, postulating hypotheses of identity and relationships, on which all other natural sciences dealing with organisms relies. However, ...

    Authors: Heike Wägele, Annette Klussmann-Kolb, Michael Kuhlmann, Gerhard Haszprunar, David Lindberg, André Koch and J Wolfgang Wägele
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:25
  25. Maternal effects mediated by egg size and quality may profoundly affect offspring development and performance, and mothers may adjust egg traits according to environmental or social influences. In avian specie...

    Authors: Diego Rubolini, Maria Romano, Kristen J Navara, Filiz Karadas, Roberto Ambrosini, Manuela Caprioli and Nicola Saino
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:24
  26. The mechanisms underlying the switching from an asexual to a sexual mode of reproduction, and vice versa, remain unknown in metazoans. In planarians, asexual worms acquire cryptic sexuality when fed with sexual w...

    Authors: Kazuya Kobayashi and Motonori Hoshi
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:23
  27. Copepods outnumber every other multicellular animal group. They are critical components of the world's freshwater and marine ecosystems, sensitive indicators of local and global climate change, key ecosystem s...

    Authors: James E Bron, Dagmar Frisch, Erica Goetze, Stewart C Johnson, Carol Eunmi Lee and Grace A Wyngaard
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:22
  28. Hybridization can have complex effects on evolutionary dynamics in ants because of the combination of haplodiploid sex-determination and eusociality. While hybrid non-reproductive workers have been found in a ...

    Authors: Daniel JC Kronauer, Marcell K Peters, Caspar Schöning and Jacobus J Boomsma
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:20
  29. In the adult males of helminthomorph millipedes, one or two pairs of legs in the anterior part of the trunk are strongly modified into sexual appendages (gonopods) used for sperm transfer during the copula. Go...

    Authors: Leandro Drago, Giuseppe Fusco, Elena Garollo and Alessandro Minelli
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:19
  30. The now thriving field of neurophylogeny that links the morphology of the nervous system to early evolutionary events relies heavily on detailed descriptions of the neuronal architecture of taxa under scrutiny...

    Authors: Patrick Beckers, Simone Faller and Rudi Loesel
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:17
  31. While the gene flow in some organisms is strongly affected by physical barriers and geographical distance, other highly mobile species are able to overcome such constraints. In southern South America, the Ande...

    Authors: Juan F Masello, Petra Quillfeldt, Gopi K Munimanda, Nadine Klauke, Gernot Segelbacher, H Martin Schaefer, Mauricio Failla, Maritza Cortés and Yoshan Moodley
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:16
  32. Evolutionary arms-races between avian brood parasites and their hosts have typically resulted in some spectacular adaptations, namely remarkable host ability to recognize and reject alien eggs and, in turn, so...

    Authors: Tomáš Grim
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:14
  33. Cooperation and conflict in social insects are closely linked to the genetic structure of the colony. Kin selection theory predicts conflict over the production of males between the workers and the queen and b...

    Authors: Anett Huth-Schwarz, Adolfo León, Rémy Vandame, Robin FA Moritz and F Bernhard Kraus
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:13
  34. Holocentrids (squirrelfish and soldierfish) are vocal reef fishes whose calls and sound-producing mechanisms have been studied in some species only. The present study aims to compare sound-producing mechanisms...

    Authors: Eric Parmentier, Pierre Vandewalle, Christophe Brié, Laura Dinraths and David Lecchini
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:12
  35. Ectoprocta is a large lophotrochozoan clade of colonial suspension feeders comprising over 5.000 extant species. Their phylogenetic position within the Lophotrochzoa remains controversially discussed, but also...

    Authors: Thomas Schwaha, Timothy S Wood and Andreas Wanninger
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:11
  36. Dispersal rates, i.e. the effective number of dispersing individuals per unit time, are the product of dispersal capacity, i.e. a species physiological potential for dispersal, dispersal behaviour, i.e. the de...

    Authors: Christine HM Engelhardt, Peter Haase and Steffen U Pauls
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:10
  37. Rescuing amphibian diversity is an achievable conservation challenge. Disease mitigation is one essential component of population management. Here we assess existing disease mitigation strategies, some in earl...

    Authors: Douglas C Woodhams, Jaime Bosch, Cheryl J Briggs, Scott Cashins, Leyla R Davis, Antje Lauer, Erin Muths, Robert Puschendorf, Benedikt R Schmidt, Brandon Sheafor and Jamie Voyles
    Citation: Frontiers in Zoology 2011 8:8