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Fig. 6 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 6

From: Transcriptome of pleuropodia from locust embryos supports that these organs produce enzymes enabling the larva to hatch

Fig. 6

Dot plot visualization of GO terms enriched in DEGs in the highly secreting pleuropodia. Representative groups of GO terms enriched in genes that are (a) downregulated in pleuropodia (in comparison to legs) and (b) upregulated in pleuropodia. Major clusters are labeled. Relevant GOs are marked with an arrow. Bubble color indicates the p-value of the GO term, the size indicates the frequency of the GO term in the underlying Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) database (bubbles of more general terms are larger). biog., biogenesis; comp., compound; electrochem., electrochemical; grad., gradient; metab., metabolic, organiz., organization; path., pathway; pr., process; regul., regulation; resp., response; signal., signaling; transp., transport

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