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Fig. 4 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 4

From: Revisiting kinorhynch segmentation: variation of segmental patterns in the nervous system of three aberrant species

Fig. 4

FMRF-LIR in the nervous system of Franciscideres kalenesos. Anterior is up in (A–D, H–J), dorsal is up in (E–G). A, B. Schematic representation, A dorsal view, B ventral view. FMRF-LIR is overlaid upon a background of α-tubulin-LIR; grey shading on the left margin marks the different body regions. Dotted lines mark weak FMRF-LIR. B–G Confocal Z-stack projections of specimens co-labelled with FMRFamide (C–J) and acetylated α-tubulin (H–J). Autofluorescence of the cuticle (grey) was kept as guidance in (C–I). Colour legend in (C) applies to (D–G), colour legend of (H) applies to (I, J). C detail of the brain neuropil, associated somata and ventral nerve cord, ventral view. Dashed circles mark the position of associated somata of the ventral nerve cord. D Same specimen as in (C), detail of the brain neuropil and associated somata, dorsal view. Arrows indicate the positions of the cross sections shown in (E–G). E–G Cross sections through the brain corresponding to the (E–G) levels indicated in (D). H Detail of the ventral nerve cord and associated somata of segments 3-5, ventral view. Note that the ventral nerve cord is broken in between segment 3 and 4. I, detail of the ventral nerve cord and associated somata in segments 7-10, ventral view; asterisks mark the areas where there is FMRF-LIR in the ventrolateral nerves. J Detail of the subdorsal nerves and the somata associated with the transverse neurite bundle of segment 10, dorsal view. Arrowheads mark the position of FMR-LIR somata of the brain. Scale bars: 10 μm. Abbreviations: asb, anterior somata of the brain; cne, convergent neurite; i, introvert; n, neck; np, neuropil; psb, posterior somata of the brain; sdn, subdorsal nerve; sds, subdorsal somata; t, trunk; vnc, ventral nerve cord; vncs, ventral nerve cord somata. Numbers refer to segments

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