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Fig. 6 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 6

From: Development of the squamate naso-palatal complex: detailed 3D analysis of the vomeronasal organ and nasal cavity in the brown anole Anolis sagrei (Squamata: Iguania)

Fig. 6

The naso-palatal complex in the brown anole at stage 9 based on the 3D reconstructions (AE) and transverse histological sections (F, G). A Ventrolateral view of the palate. A’ Ventrolateral view of the palate (semi-transparent). B Anterolateral view of the snout. C Lateral view of the left nasal cavity. D Sagittal cutaway of the semi-transparent snout showing the medial view of the left nasal cavity. D’, D’ Nasal cavity rendered with partial opacity to show the sensory olfactory epithelium: medial (D’) and anterior (D”) views. E Dorsal view of the left nasal cavity. F Section at the level of the primordial VNO duct. G Section at the level of the primitive outer choana. Note that sections F and G runs slightly obliquely from antorbital space to the VNO duct. Abbreviations: a anterior, aos antorbital space, asp anterior segment of the palate, dv duct of the VNO, ecs extraconchal space, el lower eyelid, en external naris, et egg tooth, ld lacrimal duct, lnc lateral nasal concha, m medial, mxf maxillary fold, np nasal plug, oe sensory olfactory epithelium, pict primitive inner choanal tube, poch primitive outer choana, poct primitive outer choanal tube, pp premaxillary papilla, scf subconchal fold, Stt Stammteil, vc vomerine cushion, ves vestibulum, vns vomeronasal sensory epithelium. Red arrowhead nasolacrimal groove, yellow arrowheads choanal fold, red arrow lateral expansion of the primitive inner choanal tube, white star choanal diverticulum, red asterisk ridge of the vomerine cushion, white asterisk connection of the choanal fold with the lateral border of the extraconchal space, blue asterisk primordial mushroom body, blue dashed line localization of the primitive inner choana. Note: italicized labels on 3D images indicate the concavities in rendered structures. Scale bars 200 μm (3D) and 100 μm (histological sections)

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