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Fig. 7 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 7

From: Under pressure: force resistance measurements in box mites (Actinotrichida, Oribatida)

Fig. 7

Measurements of cuticle thickness [μm] and body volume [mm3] of specimens of Euphthiracaroidea (N = 10), Phthiracaroidea (N = 10) and the genus Steganacarus (N = 8) based on SRμCT data. a Comparison of mean body diameter across taxa. b Comparison of cuticle thickness across taxa. c Comparison of body volume across taxa. The color of the dots corresponds to the respective taxa. d Relationship of cuticle thickness [μm] and mean body diameter [μm] and non-linear fit (solid lines) with allometric equation and additional 95% confidence intervals (dashed lines) of all taxa combined. Analysis of the single taxa has been omitted here for clarity. e Relationship of cuticle thickness [μm] and body volume [mm3] and non-linear fit (solid lines) with allometric equations and additional 95% confidence intervals (dashed lines) of all taxa. All, all taxa combined; E, Euphthiracaroidea; P, Phthiracaroidea; S, Steganacarus specimens

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