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Fig. 5 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 5

From: Parental incubation exchange in a territorial bird species involves sex-specific signalling

Fig. 5

Length of incubation recess in relation to sex, vocalization and type of a bird’s departure. The boxplots summarize lengths of the recesses after female (red) and male (blue) incubation bouts, colour intensity indicates whether the bird vocalized before leaving the nest (dark colours) or did not (light colours). Recesses are classified either as an “Exchange gap” (parents exchanged during the incubation recess) or as a “Break” (the same parent returned and continued incubation). The median length of the recess is depicted by the vertical line inside the box, its 95% confidence interval by the notch, and the 25–75% quantiles by the box. The horizontal lines of black crosses denote estimates from the mixed effect model with nest identity as a random intercept (Table 2). The vertical lines indicate 95% credible intervals of the estimates

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