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Fig. 12 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 12

From: An atlas of larval organogenesis in the European shore crab Carcinus maenas L. (Decapoda, Brachyura, Portunidae)

Fig. 12

Frontal histological sections of Zoea IV (Holländer stain). a - section showing the median brain at the level of the deutocerebral chemosensory lobes and the cardiac stomach, see Fig. 2C for section plane; b - section slightly more posterior to A showing the tritocerebrum (TC) flanking the oesophagus (Eso), and the anterior lobes of the digestive gland with its lumen (Lu) and large lipid inclusions (black dots). The right antennal gland (AG) is also visible. c - mandibular adductor musculature (MA) displays the characteristic cross striation; d - the anterior part of the cardiac stomach (CS) inside is lined with cuticle (arrowheads); e - inner portion of the anlage of the mandibular palp located inside of the mandible; e`- autofluorescence of the mandible with the outer portion of the mandibular palp anlage (arrowhead). Abbreviations: AA - anterior aorta, AG - antennal gland, CS - cardiac stomach, DCL - deutocerebral chemosensory lobe, DG - digestive gland, Eso - oesophagus, HPT - hematopoietic tissue, Lb - labrum, Lu – lumen of digestive gland, MA - mandibular adductor musculature, Md - mandible, MdP – mandibular palp, TC - tritocerebrum, TeG - tegumental gland

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