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Table 1 The variables analyzed in experiments regarding landing, time allocation, and food exploitation. Variable abbreviations are in parentheses

From: Energy state affects exploratory behavior of tree sparrows in a group context under differential food-patch distributions




 First landing latency (FLL)

The duration between an entry into the aviary and the first landing of a sparrow on the ground.

Time allocation

 Exploration time (ET)

The duration of a sparrow spent on the ground before the first patch discovery.

 Exploring-feeding time (EFT)

The duration of a sparrow spent on the ground after the first patch discovery.

Food exploitation

 Food consumption (FC)

Amount of feed consumed by a sparrow.

 Ground-feeding rate (GFR)

Amount of feed consumed by a sparrow per second on the ground [FC/(ET + EFT)].

 Food consumption as finder (FCF)

Proportion (%) of feed consumed by a sparrow via active patch discovery.