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Figure 8 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 8

From: The role of juvenile hormone in dominance behavior, reproduction and cuticular pheromone signaling in the caste-flexible epiponine wasp, Synoeca surinama

Figure 8

Effect of the methoprene on the cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profile of Synoeca surinama. (A) Methoprene application induced a CHC profile similar to that of incipient reproductives. The CHC profile of methoprene-treated females was distinct from cyclohexane- and non-treated females (pooled from colonies 11 and 12). For compound identification, see Additional file 6: Table S1. White and black stars indicate the main contributors of separation prior to and following PCA, respectively. “X” denotes a compound removed based on the PCA analysis. (B) Canonical scatterplot based on a discriminatory analysis for all treatment groups from colonies 11 and 12, including established benders and queenright workers from colonies 6 and 7 showing a clearly significant difference, done with and without PCA (for both: Global Wilks’ λ = 0.185; F13,51 = 17.3; p <0.001; 100% predicted classification). The non-treated controls group within the cyclohexane-treated wasps whereas methoprene-treated females overlap with the established benders, but not the queenright workers.

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