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Fig. 2 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 2

From: Geckos cling best to, and prefer to use, rough surfaces

Fig. 2

a Black brackets encompass substrates used by three Oedura geckos: saxicoline, O. coggeri (granite), arboreal O. castelnaui (dead trees and Eucalyptus melanophloia) and O. monilis (E. similis, E. platyphylla, dead trees, E. melanophloia and granite). b Peak-to-valley heights of natural and test substrates (μm). Natural substrates include E. similis, E. platyphylla, dead trees, E. melanophloia (shades of green) and granite (grey). Test substrates consisted of coarse sandpaper (P40 grit; blue) and fine sandpaper (P400 grit; orange)

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