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Fig. 3 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 3

From: Geographical and temporal variation in environmental conditions affects nestling growth but not immune function in a year-round breeding equatorial lark

Fig. 3

Mass, wing and tarsus lengths (residuals in % of the logistic growth curve) of four age-classes of nestlings of Red-capped Larks Calandrella cinerea as a function of nest index (number of nests/10 search hours) and monthly rainfall (mm) in Kedong (warm and dry), Kenya. Residual mass showed a significant relationship with nest index for nestlings at hatching (day 1) and with monthly rainfall for nestlings at day 7; both of these lines are represented by open squares and continuous line and open triangles and continuous line respectively. Legend for the non-significant relationship: open square and dotted line represent nestlings aged day 1, open circles and dotted line day 4, open triangles and dot-dashed line day 7, crosses and line with long dashes day 10

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