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Figure 2 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 2

From: Blue blood on ice: modulated blood oxygen transport facilitates cold compensation and eurythermy in an Antarctic octopod

Figure 2

Lowered affinity of haemocyanin for oxygen in the Antarctic Pareledone charcoti . (A) Oxygen affinity, expressed as the PO2 of haemocyanin half-saturation, (P 50), and (B) venous oxygen saturation of Pareledone charcoti were compared to two octopods originating from warmer waters, Octopus pallidus and Eledone moschata, at a comparative experimental temperature of 10°C. Calculations refer to an alpha-stat adjusted venous pH of 7.27 at 10°C and a venous PO2 of 1 kPa. Differing letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) between species.

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