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Figure 6 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 6

From: Sensing deep extreme environments: the receptor cell types, brain centers, and multi-layer neural packaging of hydrothermal vent endemic worms

Figure 6

The myelin-like glial wrappers. The transverse sections, TEM images. A: The axonal bundles cut with sensory cell level, and B: the glial inter-repeat region with two different axonal types. The arrowhead indicates possible glial cell body. C: The detailed structure of glial membrane. D: Two axonal bundles. The type A and B run along the ventral and dorsal sides, respectively. E: Type B axonal bundles showing details of the membrane and mitochondria. ax, axonal fibers; co, collagen fibers; gc, glial cell wrappers; se, line type sensory cell. Scale bar in A, B, D: 2 μm; C, 300 nm; E: 1 μm.

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