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Figure 26 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 26

From: Invertebrate neurophylogeny: suggested terms and definitions for a neuroanatomical glossary

Figure 26

Types of photoreceptor cells and extraocular ocelli. Photoreceptor cells and their rhabdomeric microvilli or cilia are labelled in blue and supportive cells in green. A. Microphthalmus similis (Annelida). Rhabdomeric photoreceptor cell forming an extraocular ocellus with thin supportive cell. Arrowheads point to junctional complexes. [TEM micrograph. Manually labelled.] B. Pisione remota (Annelida). Ciliary photoreceptor cell and supportive cell. Arrowheads point to junctional complexes. Inset: Enlargement of photoreceptor cell apex with basal bodies and sensory cilia. [TEM micrograph.] C, D. Phaosomes of clitellates. C. Stylaria lacustris (Naididae). Two phaosomous photoreceptor cells of pigmented eye. Note the low density of sensory microvilli. [TEM micrograph.] D. Helobdella robusta (Euhirudinea, Rynchobdelliformes). Extraocular phaosomous photoreceptor cell (blue). [TEM micrograph.] Abbreviations: bb = basal body; gc = glial cell; mv = sensory microvilli; n = nucleus; pc = pigment cell; ph = phaosome; prc = photoreceptor cell; sci = sensory cilium; suc = supportive cell. Originals: A, B, C: G. Purschke; D: J. Gosda.

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