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Figure 2 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 2

From: Low levels of nestmate discrimination despite high genetic differentiation in the invasive pharaoh ant

Figure 2

Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of Monomorium pharaonis (a) and M. destructor (b). The numbers on the peaks mark the identified hydrocarbons: (1*) C25:1; (2*) C25; (3*) 9-,11-,13-MeC25; (4) C26; (5*) C27:1; (6*) C27; (7) 9-,11-,13-MeC27; (8*) 11,15-diMeC27; (9) 3-MeC27; (10*) 3,11-diMeC27; (11) C29:1; (12*) C29; (13) 11-,13-,15-MeC29; (14) 11,15-diMeC29; (15) 3,11-diMeC29; (16*) C31:1; (17*) C31; (18) 11-,13-,15-MeC31; (19) C28; (20) 5-MeC29; (21) C30; (22) 11-,13-MeC31; (23) 7-MeC31; (24) 5-MeC31; (25) 11-,13-MeC33; (26) 7-MeC33. The numbers with an asterisk denote the hydrocarbons that explain most of the variation in the overall principal component analysis, i.e. numerical value of factor loadings > 0.7. Factor loadings for these compounds were: (1) -0.736; (2) -0.835; (3) -0.867; (5) -0.745; (6) -0.885; (8) -0.768; (10) 0.797; (12) -0.751; (16) 0.902; (17) -0.841.

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