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Figure 5 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 5

From: Embryonic and post-embryonic development of the polyclad flatworm Maritigrella crozieri; implications for the evolution of spiralian life history traits

Figure 5

The neural groundplan of the Maritigrella crozieri two-day post-hatching pelagic stage. (A & B) based on acetylated tubulin wholemounts, left lateral and ventral view respectively (bright green = neurons that show serotonin and/or FMRFamide immunoreactivity, dark green = structures not immunoreactive to serotonin and FMRF-amide antibodies). (C) Serotonin expression - ventral view. (D) FMRF-amide expression - ventral view. (aa) apical plate, (apl) apical plexus, (cbnr) ciliary band ring, (cc) cerebral commissure, (ccb) commissural cell bodies (ccip) caudal cilium perikarya, (cp) caudal perikarya, (dlc) dorso-lateral connective, (een) epidermal eye nerve, (gcn) gland cell necks, (iec) intra-epidermal cells, (ien) intra-epidermal nerves, (ienp) intra-epidermal nerve plexi, (mc) medial cluster, (mn) medial nerve, (on) oellar nerve, (phnr) pharyngeal nerve ring, (rc) ring connectives, (sor) supra-oral ring, (vlc) ventro-lateral connective, (vp) ventral perikarya.

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