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Table 3 Definition of technical terms assigned to the axial complex of echinoids used in this manuscript.

From: Comparative morphology of the axial complex and interdependence of internal organ systems in sea urchins (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)


Type of body cavity involved

Developmental origin of body cavity


Axial complex

Primary and secondary body cavities

Left larval axocoel

Right larval axocoel

Left larval hydrocoel

Right larval somatocoel

Left larval somatocoel

Haemal structure

Located between madreporic plate/hydropore and ring canal, within interradius CD (sensu Lovén) below genital plate 2, lodged within the dorso-ventral mesentery, surrounded by oral and aboral somatocoel

Madreporic ampulla

Secondary body cavity

Left larval axocoel

Small space beneath the madreporic plate, connected to the exterior by madreporic pore canals, adorally gives rise to stone canal and axial coelom

Stone canal

Secondary body cavity

Left larval hydrocoel

Single tube arising from lower end of madreporic ampulla, descending towards ring canal, can be calcified, in some irregular taxa divided into three distinct parts, can be pulsatile

Dorsal sac

Secondary body cavity

Right larval axocoel

Closed cavity enclosing the head process, with muscularized epithelium, lateral to madreporic ampulla

Head process

Primary body cavity & connective tissue matrix

Haemal structure

Aboral extension of the axial organ, surrounded by the dorsal sac, pulsatile, perforated by canaliculi and haemal lacunae

Axial coelom

Secondary body cavity

Left larval axocoel

Orally oriented blindly-ending part of the axocoel, partly enwraps stone canal as well as axial organ, connects adapically to madreporic ampulla, podocyte lining

Axial organ

Primary body cavity & connective tissue matrix

Haemal structure

Parallel to axial coelom, partially surrounded by somatocoel, connected to dorso-ventral mesentery, crossed by numerous canaliculi and haemal lacunae

Pulsating vessel

Primary body cavity

Haemal structure

(Pulsatile) haemal structure running along the outside of the axial organ, protruding into the axial coelom, can be lined by muscularized epithelium, adoral extension of head process


Secondary body cavity

Left larval axocoel

Right larval somatococel

Left larval somatocoel

Randomly distributed small invagination formed through infolding of coelomic epithelium, ending blindly, found inside the matrix of axial organ and head process

Haemal lacuna

Primary body cavity

Haemal structure

Randomly distributed anastomosing compartments within axial organ, head process and mesenteries, not lined by epithelium, part of the haemal system

  1. A primary body cavity is always lined by extracellular matrix, whereas a secondary body cavity is lined by a mesothel (i.e. mesodermally derived epithelium). Axocoel = protocoel, hydrocoel = mesocoel, somatocoel = metacoel [4].