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Table 2 Schedule of development of brain tracts and commissures in different anurans1 . (Fig. 1: pink triangles)

From: Development of the retinotectal system in the direct-developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui in comparison with other anurans


E. coqui

D. pictus

P. pustulosus 2

X. laevis 3

Neural tube closure

TS 3

GH 16–17

≤GH 20

NF 204


TS 3+

GH 18



Tract of postoptic commissure (TPOC)

TS 4

GH 18

≤GH 20

NF 245,6

Postoptic commissure (POC)

TS 5

GH 20

≤GH 20

NF 285

Ventral longitudinal tract (VLT)

TS 5

GH 18

≤GH 20

NF 266

Descending tract of V (TV)

TS 5

GH 18

≤GH 20

NF 266

Descending tract of VIII (TVIII)

TS 5

GH 20

≤GH 20


Tract of anterior commissure (TAC)

TS 6

GH 20

GH 22

NF 306

Anterior commissure (AC)

TS 7

GH 20

GH 22

NF 326,7

Supraoptic tract (SOT)

TS 6

GH 20

GH 20

NF 326,7

Tract of posterior commissure (TPC)

TS 6

GH 22

GH 22

NF 326,7

Posterior commissure (PC)

TS 6

GH 22

GH 24

NF 326,7

Tract of commissure of posterior tuberculum (TCPT)

TS 6

GH 22

GH 22


Commissure of posterior tuberculum (TCPT)

TS 6

GH 22

GH 22


Tract of ventral tegmental commissure (TVTC)

TS 6

GH 22

GH 22

NF 327

Ventral tegmental commissure (VTC)

TS 6

GH 22

GH 22

NF 327

Tract of cerebellar commissure (TCC)

TS 6

GH 20

GH 22


Cerebellar commissure (CC)

TS 7

GH 23

GH 24


Dorsoventral diencephalic tract (DVDT)

TS 6

GH 20

GH 22

NF 285,6

Tract of habenular commissure (THC)

TS 8

GH 23

GH 24

NF 33/346

Habenular commissure (HC)

TS 8

GH 23

GH 24


Intertectal commissure (ITC)

TS 98


GH 27–29


  1. 1 Terminology for embryonic fiber tracts based on [38, 39]
  2. 2 First stage analyzed: GH 20
  3. 3 Data taken from literature
  4. 4[88]
  5. 5[40]
  6. 6[42]
  7. 7[41]
  8. 8 Only single fibers crossing midline at these stages; not included in Figure 1.