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Table 1 The nerve elements of phoronid larvae and their fate during metamorphosis

From: Organization and metamorphic remodeling of the nervous system in juveniles of Phoronopsis harmeri(Phoronida): insights into evolution of the bilaterian nervous system

Name of nerve element (labelled in Figure1C)

Expression of 5HT

Expression of FMRFamide

Expression of alfa-tubulin

Fate during metamorphosis and (immunoreactivity in juveniles)

apical organ (ao)




completely lost

median neurite bundle of the preoral lobe (mn)




completely lost

anterior marginal neurite bundle of the preoral lobe (am)



completely lost

ventrolateral branches (vlb)



completely lost

posterior marginal neurite bundle of the preoral lobe (pm)




completely lost

sensory field (sf)


completely lost

neurites and perikarya innervating the oral field (ofn) Can be observed by TEM only

completely lost

tentacular nerve ring (=main nerve ring) (tn)




completely maintained (5HT, FMRFamide, alfa-tubulin)

minor nerve ring (mn)


completely maintained (alfa-tubulin)

mediofrontal tentacular neurite bundle (mf)



undergoes changes: can not be detected via LSCM and changes in number of neurites (from 100 to 10) (alfa-tubulin)

laterofrontal tentacular neurite bundles (lf)


completely lost; definitive neurite bundles form de novo (alfa-tubulin)

medioabfrontal tentacular neurite bundle

appears in juveniles (alfa-tubulin)

lateroabfrontal neurite bundles (la)



completely maintained (5HT, alfa-tubulin)

two dorsolateral groups of perikarya (gp)


completely maintained and give rise to the definitive dorsal ganglion (5HT)

telotroch nerve ring (ttn)


completely lost

neurites and nerve cells innervating the epidermis of the larval trunk (sg(=mdn?)) (neurite bundles of the second group [8])


probably maintained and give rise to the most dorsal neurites (5HT)

neurites of the esophagus (es)




completely maintained (5HT, FMRFamide, alfa-tubulin)

neurites and perikarya innervating the midgut (pmg)


completely maintained (FMRFamide, alfa-tubulin)

anal nerve ring (ar)


probably undergoes changes, because in juveniles exhibits 5HT-like immunoreactivity

neurites and perikarya innervating the metasomal sac (nms)



completely maintained (5HT, FMRFamide, alfa-tubulin)

  1. " + " indicates the presence of the feature; "―" indicates its absence.