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Figure 4 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 4

From: A wonderful network unraveled - Detailed description of capillaries in the prosomal ganglion of scorpions

Figure 4

Hemolymph supply to the protocerebrum (Ptc) and deutocerebrum (i.e. cheliceral neuromere; Dtc) in B. granulatus. A: Surface renderings of the protocerebral neuropil (Ptc) and protocerebral vessels (Pcv) showing general pattern of arteries in the protocerebrum; in anterior view; dashed green line indicates the position where the esophagus pierces the prosomal ganglion. B: Virtual horizontal section through the protocerebrum with a transparent surface rendering of the protocerebral neuropil (Ptc); in dorsal view; inset shows the position of the section, arrow heads indicate vessel loops that protrude into the neuropil. C: Surface renderings of the neurilemma, deutocerebral neuropil (Dtc) and deutocerebral vasculature (Dcv); in lateral view. D: Volume rendering of the protocerebral vasculature showing supply to the arcuate body; in posterior view; dashed yellow line indicates the position of the arcuate body, asterisks indicate arteries supplying the arcuate body, arrowheads indicate two arteries that emanate from the supracerebral artery (Sc). E: 3D image (use 3D glasses) of a volume rendering of the protocerebral artery (Pa) showing a vessel loop (Vl) protruding into the neuropil; in lateral view; dashed yellow line indicates the position of the arcuate body. F: Volume rendering of the cerebral vasculature showing the origin of the esophageal arteries (Ea); in dorsal view; dashed green lines indicate the position where the esophagus passes the prosomal ganglion. Abbreviations: Ac, arcuate body; Ch, cheliceral arteries; Cn, cheliceral nerves; Dcv, deutocerebral vasculature; Dtc, deutocerebral neuropil; Ea, esophageal arteries; Fca, frontal collection artery; Lca, lateral collection artery; Pa, protocerebral artery; Pcv, protocerebral vasculature; Pp, pedipalpal arteries; Ptc, protocerebral neuropil; Sc, supracerebral artery; Vca, ventral collection artery; Vl, vessel loop.

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