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Figure 2 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 2

From: Internal receptors in insect appendages project directly into a special brain neuropile

Figure 2

Intersegmental projections from leg afferents. Central projections as seen after filling the anterior branch of leg nerve 5B2 in the first tarsal segment of the middle leg in a third instar nymph (drawn from confocal data). Sensory fibres from tarsal sensilla form massive projections in the mesothoracic ganglion (arrow). In addition a single fibre ascends towards the brain without any side branches. The fibre terminates with numerous blebby endings in a neuropile called the superficial ventral inferior protocerebrum (SVIP). The inset shows a confocal image of these terminals at higher magnification and high gain. Scale: 100 μm, 20 μm in inset.

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