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Figure 10 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 10

From: A detailed description of the development of the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii using SEM, TEM, Histology and 3D-reconstructions

Figure 10

3D-reconstruction of the juvenile of Saccoglossus kowalevskii at 2 gill slit stage (~ 432 h pf). Rows from left to right: dorsal, ventral, left and right view. Columns from up to down: The merge row (A-D) shows the juvenile with all reconstructed structures. Note the characteristic post-anal tail (pat). Epidermis row (E-H) shows the external shape of juvenile, condensed nervous structures and the skeletal elements. There is only one skeletal rod (skr) developed on the right side yet, whereas two are already present on the left side. Endoderm row (I-L): The stomochord (st) is projecting into the protocoel and supported ventrally by the proboscis skeleton (sk). The oesophagus (oe) is positioned asymmetrically on the right body half of the juvenile. The anus (an) is opened at the posterior end of the hindgut region (hg). Mesoderm row (M-P) shows the position of the anterior protocoel (blue) and the paired meso- (pink) and metacoelic (red) compartments. The glomerulus (gl) is visible covering the anterior tip of the stomochord. Download interactive 3D-PDF as Additional file8. cc collar cord, dns dorsal nerve cord, gp gill pore, i intestine, pd pericardium, ph pharynx, ps proboscis stem, vnc ventral nerve cord.

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